Back row, f.l.t.r.: Tomas Dvarok, Florian Waas, Denis Tahir
Front row, f.l.t.r.: Ivo Zlatkov, Juan Pintado, Histro Ouroumov
Missing from photo: Martijn Wildemans
T7 is a team fueled by pure confidence, probably more than actual futsal skill! We don’t care who we’re up against because we always believe we can beat anyone. When the fancy footwork and tactics aren’t enough, we just keep running, pushing, and shooting until the ball finds its way into the net. It’s not always pretty, but it gets the job done.
No matter the result, we celebrate after the game with beers and Bulgarian music. During the time we played together we have become a very tight group of friends, therefore (hopefully) none of the players can get poached by other teams.