Achterste rij, v.l.n.r.: Paola Cristina Centi, Jort Arendse, Rik Geurts, Axel Versloot, Tijn Coenen, Serhat Yilmaz, Atef el Allouche (coach)
Voorste rij, v.l.n.r.: Quinten Peeters, Rick peeters, Thijs van Oorschot, Jihan Ozgul
Ontbreekt op foto: Hani Mazrouai, Zef Bakermans, Joris Reinink, Milan Bruil
T1 stands for Totelos 1, the highest select team at Totelos. Naturally, this means T1 is also the best team at Totelos. These top players compete in the Top Division, where they defend the honour of Totelos’ men’s teams. This not only means a high level of play, but also the biggest celebrations when we score points. Under the guidance of Atef el Allouche, we travel across Brabant and even to Zeeland to defend our place in the Top Division. This sometimes involves long journeys that don’t always end in points, but on the flip side, we sometimes face players from the Eredivisie or even internationals, which is quite an experience in itself. Our week consists of Monday and Wednesday training sessions led by Atef, where we get solid technical and tactical pointers (and a good bit of tough love). Then on Thursdays, we squeeze out a point or two in the Drinking League, but by Friday, we must be fit to convert all that hard work into points on the field. And after the game, of course, the festivities begin again. Although T1 represents the pinnacle of student indoor soccer, we’re still students at heart. So come by for a game or join us for a drink sometime. Because a team like T1? There’s none like it.