Totelos N5

Back row, f.l.t.r.: Mitchel Hall, Max Goergen, Stijn Verbeek, Max de Sain

Front row, f.l.t.r.: Luc Kraan, Victor Daniel Reyes Dreke, Joep van den Berg

N5 is a team composed of last season's N5 and N6 teams. Before every game the effort is maximum and the third half is always a success. So far the results of the matches are variable but N5 has already managed to get 2 victories out of the fire. As a result, they are fully participating in (the middle of) the league. Despite the fact that N5 is a composite team, N5 has become increasingly close over the past few months by participating in many activities outside the regular matches. Furthermore, the players of N5 are increasingly training together to improve their performance in matches. There are still a lot of matches to go this season and N5 is confident that they will take more points in these matches.


