The Internal Competition is looking for new referees! Are you interested? Send a message to the Commissioner

The Internal Competition is an indoor football league for students, founded in the 1960s by the Student Sports Centre. Since 1992, E.S.Z.V.V. Totelos has been in charge of organising the league for TU/e and Fontys students. All matches are played at the SSC and from Monday until Thursday all throughout the academic year. In League 1, 2, 3 and 4, matches are played during the lunch break of TU/e lectures. League A, B and C have their matches played on Wednesday starting from 17.00.

Within the Totelos board, the Commissioner of the Internal Competition (Commissaris Interne Competitie in Dutch) is responsible for the schedules. The Commissioner makes sure the integrity of the Competition is persevered and the rules are respected. Do you have any questions, or do you want more information about the Internal Competition? Feel free to contact the Commissioner.

Commissioner Internal Competition
Season 2024-2025
Remco van Orsouw
+31 6 15176048

Matchdays TimeslotsHall
League 1Monday / Thursday 11:45 – 13:151
League 2Monday / Thursday 11:45 – 13:151
League 3Tuesday / Thursday 11:45 – 13:153
League 4Monday / Wednesday 11:45 – 13:153
League AWednesday19:00 – 20:002 & 3
League BWednesday17:00 – 19:002
League CWednesday17:00 – 19:003