Back row, f.l.t.r.: Lobke van Mourik, Inês Cabral, Winnie Westerhof, Lize Versluis, Simon de Nooy (coach)
Front row, f.l.t.r.: Jia An Moonen, Sophie Danckaarts, Doutsen Kazimier, Fleur Gulikers
Ladies 1 is a dynamic team full of familiar faces and fresh new talent, all with one goal in mind: giving it our all together! Every week, we push ourselves during training to bring out the best in ourselves and each other. Of course, we’re aiming for a championship, but it’s about more than just winning.
With a coach who constantly challenges and motivates us to improve, we continue to grow, all while keeping the fun in the game. We want to win and fight hard for every ball, but most importantly, we want to step off the field with a sense of accomplishment at the end of the match.
In short: a team full of ambition, determination, and fun!