Lees Verder

Futsal starts at Totelos!

Welcome to the website of E.S.Z.V.V. Totelos, the student indoor football association of Eindhoven! With us, sociability and sportsmanship...
Lees Verder

⚡Totelosser of the Month⚡

A big congratulations to you, Kenna! We're so happy to announce that you've been chosen as our 'Totelosser of the Month' for September. And we all know...
Lees Verder

New members activity

Last Tuesday, we welcomed our new members to play an exciting round of laser tag at Laser Quest Eindhoven...
Lees Verder

⚽ New Trainer!!! ⚽

For many Totelossers it only feels a short while ago that Sil Heijnen, better known as ‘Hakkie’, left…