AcCie 2: The AcCie Gameshow!

Last Thursday, the moment had finally arrived! After weeks of anticipation and preparation, it was game on. ’t Lempke was transformed into a true gameshow studio, where five teams of nervous Totelos members faced off to claim the coveted title of Smartest Totelos Member!

The excitement kicked off immediately in round 1: the music round! Hits from the past and present were played, and the teams had to guess both the title and the artist. Next up was the classic True or False round. Because… is the capital of Australia really Sydney?

After a short break to quench everyone’s thirst, it was time for round 3: a hilarious challenge where participants, blindfolded, had to form words using cardboard letters. Watching might have been even more fun than playing—how hard could it really be? Well, harder than it looked!

Finally, the grand finale: the last round where teams had to place events from both within and outside Totelos in the correct chronological order. The tension rose as the points were counted, and at last, it was revealed which team could proudly call themselves the Smartest Totelos Members!

AcCie, we absolutely loved your fantastic event! Thank you so much, and we’re already looking forward to the Family Day on February the 15th! 🎉

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