⚡Totelosser of the month⚡

This month's Totelosser of the Month is nobody other than Jabali! Still in his first year at Totelos, Jabali has become a familiar face amongst members. His creativity seems just at home in the SoCie, where this month, he has worked hard to create Reels for our Instagram page. These Reels bring the real matchday experience to the Totelos derbies, full of sporting highlights and interviews with players, coaches and more. Whilst the first Reel covering the Ladies 2 - Ladies 3 derby has already proven to be a big success among Totelossers, we are all looking forward to seeing what Jabali has in store for us with for N2 - N8 and T5 - T6 editions.

Not only does Jabali show his creativity within the SoCie, but also in the sporthal. Playing for T5, Jabali's speed and imagination is an attacking force to be reckoned with. Jabali, thank you for your effort! We hope to keep enjoying your content and sharing drinks together in the canteen or in Stratum.

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