NNieuwsHappy new year!byBestuur 4631 December 2024245 views1 minute read 0Shares 0 0 0 0 Board 46 wishes you happy holidays and a happy new year! Let's toast to a sporty 2025. See you soon in the hall! 0 Shares: Share 0 Share 0 Tweet 0 Share 0 Share 0 Bestuur 46
Lees Verder NNieuws⚡️Totelosser of the Month: July⚡️byBoard7 August 20231.6K views The Totelosser of the month July is Boaz Voogt! Boaz is totally committed to the IntroCie where he…
Lees Verder NNieuws🍻 Drink 3: Keeping up with the Keepers 🍻byBoard13 February 20231.7K views Last week, Saturday February 4th, it was time again for a drink. This time not just any drink,…
Lees Verder NNieuwsInternational Team wint TIT 3byWouter5 August 20192.9K views Zoals tijdens elke tentamenweek was het ook op 11 april tijd voor een nieuw Totelos Internal Tournament (TIT) .Hier…
Lees Verder NNieuws⚡ Totelosser of the Month: October⚡byBoard 452 November 20232.3K views The Totelosser of the month October is Nienke van den Wijngaart! Nienke joined the club during the intro…
Lees Verder NNieuwsDrink #2: T2-ballbyBestuur 463 December 2024425 views De ballonnen hingen, de gastenlijst was bomvol en de champagne stond klaar; op 28 november verdwaalden zo’n 50…
Lees Verder NNieuws🚺 New Ladies' Trainer 🚺byBoard 4519 July 20241.8K views Many of you probably already know him as he is still a member of Totelos, but none other than Simon...