The balloons were hanging, the guest list was packed, and the champagne was ready; on Nov. 28, some 50 Totelossers got lost in the higher realms of the T2 Ball. With a wide variety of masks, everyone managed to cloak themselves anonymously, and a few had even unleashed their creative minds on the theme to create a self-decorated mask. Where the silhouetted T2ers manoeuvred through the evening like a fish out of water, the rest soon found their niche, and soon the futsal players were swinging like never before. The somewhat unorthodox choice to co-decorate 't Lempke with some handy ladders turned out to be a hit, and the unmasked enclave, led by trapeze expert Simon van Dijck, managed to forge an extremely entertaining activity out of this, much to the dismay of the scantily-clad board. The remaining decorations transformed our regular pub into a veritable ballroom, with lights and chandeliers raining down from the ceiling. These dynamic decorations still provided a glimmer of magic to the evening, something the gentlemen of T2 have been known for for some time anyway. All in all, Totelos delivered its creative calling card again and all ball-goers were treated to an evening that captured the imagination.