NNieuwsTotelos 46e verjaardagbyBestuur 467 November 2024404 views1 minute read 0Shares 0 0 0 0 November 6 marks the 46th birthday of our beautiful association. Last year we celebrated our 9th lustrum with some incredible activities. Here's a throwback to a few of those. Let's toast on another 5 fantastic years. 0 Shares: Share 0 Share 0 Tweet 0 Share 0 Share 0 Bestuur 46
Lees Verder NNieuwsIUTT 2018byFrenk Cleven28 February 20183.1K views ~English below~ Beste leden, Het leukste Totelos toernooi van het jaar komt er weer aan: ‘I.U.T.T.’. Voor de…
Lees Verder NNieuws🎊Carnival tournament 🎉byBoard 4519 February 20241.7K views It’s unfortunately already over, the most fun time of the year, carnival. 🎉 Carnival was also well celebrated…
Lees Verder NNieuwsSportgalabyFrenk Cleven12 November 20172.6K views Op dinsdag 14 november om 20:00 vindt het ESSF Sportgala plaats in Café Thomas op Stratumseind. Dames 1…
Lees Verder NNieuws⚡️Totelosser of the Month: August⚡️byBoard 4511 September 20231.6K views The Totelosser of the month August is Rinske Zandhuis! Rinske worked hard this month for the IntroCie. Because…
Lees Verder NNieuwsDie Mannschaft Algemeen Kampioen IC 2021/2022byBoard10 July 20221.5K views English below Op woensdag 29 juni vond het Algemeen Kampioenschap van de Interne Competitie plaats. Teams die als…
Lees Verder NNieuws⚽ T-Cup ⚽byBoard 4512 July 2024971 views Saturday, July 6, Totelossers competed for the T-Cup 🏆. The season was ended in a nice way...