🫵🏼 Board 46 🫵🏼

Will you be part of the 46th board of E.S.Z.V.V. Totelos?

On Wednesday, March 27th, the 45th board is organizing a board interest drink. During this gathering, you have the opportunity to get a glimpse into the board life of Totelos. You can also ask any questions you may have about a board year.

Send your interest before Wednesday, March 20th via a message to Marit or Pim. Do you have interest but can’t make it on March 27th? Let us know! We’ll add you to the interest list and provide further information in the future. 📅

If you have any questions already, feel free to ask one of the board members.

Will we see you on Wednesday, March 27th?

Best regards,

Board 45

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