⚽ TIT 2 ⚽

On Wednesday February 1st the second Totelos Internal Tournament was organized. In total 8 teams competed for the cup.

First of all matches were played in two poules. In poule A Die Mannschaft and SOS respectively finished first and second. In poule B International Team and Whateverton respectively finished first and second. The semi-finals therefore were played between Die Mannschaft and Whateverton in hall 1 and International Team and SOS in hall 3. In hall 1 Die Mannschaft took the win with 2-1. And in hall 3 SOS was victorious with 3-1.

The finals were therefore between Die Mannschaft and SOS. The teams were very evenly matched, but ultimately Die Mannschaft took the win home and defeated SOS with a final score of 3-2.

Congratulations to Die Mannschaft for winning the TIT 2! Also a big thanks to all the participating players and the referees that made it possible to organize the second TIT!

We are looking back at the tournament with great joy, and hope to see you all at TIT 3!\

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