BuTo Euro Milano

On the 28th of April till the 1st of May we travelled with a group of 12 Totelossers to Milan to participate in the Euro Milano tournament. The team consisted of 9 men from all kinds of different levels and teams, and there were 3 ladies with us for coaching. The first day of the tournament we played 4 matches, of which we won 1 match, 1 draw and unfortunately lost 2 matches. Nevertheless, we were still through to the eighth finals. The second day the eighth finals were played and unfortunately we were eliminated immediately, so we watched other matches for the rest of the day. In the evening we all went to a club for the closing party, where everyone had a great time. The next day we slept in and we went with the whole group to the centre of Milan. We visited the Duomo, among other things, and then we went to the south of the center for drinks and dinner. Unfortunately, this was already the last day and we had to leave the next morning at half past three to go back to the airport. It was a very nice weekend with lots of football, fun and sun. Thanks BuTo committee for organizing this fun trip!

Fun fact: we are the only team that has not lost to the winners of the tournament 🙂

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