⚡Totelosser of the Month: December⚡

Ruben in the Braek, also known as Sjip, is Totelosser of the Month for December! 🎉 Ruben has been very active within the association this month. At the end of November, he and a number of other committee members ensured that we were able to go on a Members’ Weekend to Düsseldorf with the entire association, but this was not enough for him. In December, he helped organize the first AcCie activity, the house pub crawl, which was very successful. In addition, he and the AcCie are already busy organizing the next activities for the new year. But it could still be more challenging, and that is why he has taken on another function: treasurer of IUTT, so the money is in good hands! 💰

Sjippie, thank you very much for your efforts last month, and we hope to see you active in the association for a long time to come! 👏

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