Totelos Family day 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🍻⚽

On Saturday June 10th the Activitiy Committee (Accie) organized the annual Totelos family day. Friends, family, housemates, colleagues, all were all welcome on this special day. To get the ultimate Totelos experience and show what your group had to offer, there was the possibility for family members to join the familiy tournament at the SSC ⚽.

Besides the tournament there was a bouncing castle set up near the SSC as well as buckets of water posted near it to survive the hot day. After that, a ‘Snackbar’ came to supply every attendee a well deserved “bodem” for the drink took place in ‘t Lempke. In the pub, the Accie organized a quiz about the Totelos members present at the familiy day which let to some funny looking faces during the quiz. We hope every participant had a fun time during the familiy day and we would like to thank the Accie for organising this event.

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