International Teams wins TIT 1

On Wednesday November 9th the first Totelos Internal Tournament was organized. In total 8 teams competed for the cup.

First of all matches were played in two poules. In poule A C.S.V. Ichtus and Pietermandem respectively finished first and second. In poule B International Team and TU/e Legends respectively finished first and second. The semi-finals therefore were between International Team and C.S.V. Ichtus in hall 1 and TU/e Legends and Pietermandem in hall 3. In hall 1 International Team took the win with 4-1 and in hall 3 Pietermandem was victorious with 2-0. Hence, the finals were between International Team and Pietermandem. After 15 minutes the score was still 0-0 and it was time for penalties. Ultimately International Team defeated Pietermandem after a nerve-racking penalty shoot-out, with the final score being 3-2.

Congratulations to International Team for winning the first TIT! Also a big thanks to all the participating players and the referees that made it possible to organize TIT! We hope to see you all at TIT2!

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